HK-BNO Launch 香港BNO歡迎計畫啟動禮

Portswood Church

We are going to have two similar sessions. Please register for one of them ASAP. 我們將有兩個相似的會議。 請盡快註冊參加其中一個會議。 Registration for Session A 11am-2pm at eventbrite, click here 會議I 註冊連結. Registration for Session B 2pm-5pm at eventbrite, click here 會議II 註冊連結.

Car Maintenance & DIY + Entrepreneurial Experience + Conversational English

Lordswood Community Centre Sandpiper Road, Southampton

  11:00am -2:00pm 專題講座内容包括: -汽車維修和家居緊急事故DIY -創業分享 2:30pm -4:00pm 會話英語班-英國生活  

Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium visit

  The payment method is to pay the fee by bank transfer and screenshot the payment made and send it to We will then confirm your registration.  


Lordshill Community Centre Cromarty Road

11:00am -12:15pm 會話英語班-英國生活 12:45pm - 3:00pm 專題講座内容包括: 健康講座和防商業欺詐工作坊 地址:Lordshill Community Centre, Cromarty Road, Southampton SO16 8LX 如有興趣参加,請盡早在上面的Eventbrite登記報名。謝謝!

南安普敦大學介紹,升學資訊 和 參觀

Southampton University Room 1015, Building 32, Southampton University, Southampton

南安普敦華人協會主辦的活動: 4:00pm - 6:00pm 南安普敦大學介紹,升學資訊 和 參觀 University of Southampton Talk and tour by Prof. Michael Ng 地址:南安普敦大學 University of Southampton Room 1015, Building 32 Southampton SO17 1BJ   南安普敦大學辨的項目: 10:30am -4:00pm 南安普敦大學-科學和工程日 Science and Engineering Day organized by … Continue reading

1 Life in the UK

大家好! 由於有香港BNO朋友要求我們加開Life in the UK Test 的訓練,我們將由星期五 13/5開始連續四個周五上午11:00am 開始,舉辦一個Life in the UK workshop希望爭取多些時間幫助有需要將來需要考這個入藉試的朋友 。課程內容包括: 1. Life in the UK test practice 2. 英語會話 有興趣參加的朋友可以在以下連線報名。 地點: Lordshill Community Centre, Cromarty Road, Southampton SO16 8LX 課程日期: 13/5,20/5,27/5,3/6 謝謝! CAS 委員會