2024年會籍 2024 Membership



  1. 向公眾推廣中國的藝術,文化和傳統。
  2. 改善南安普敦市內及周邊華人社區的生活質素。
  3. 加強鼓勵會員更加認識南安普敦市內其他文化組織。



  • Chinese Association of Southampton
  • Account Number: 91367269
  • Sort Code: 404219

然後將會籍表和線上付款的截圖 電郵給:info@southamptonchinese.org.uk


在此祝福大家 新年如意 身體健康。

南安普敦華人協會 委員會


Dear Members,

I wish you well. The Chinese Association of Southampton (CAS) has served the Chinese Community since its creation in 1999 and we strive to fulfil our objectives:

  1. To promote the Chinese art, culture and traditions to the general public.
  2. To improve the quality of life for Chinese people living in and around the city of Southampton.
  3. To actively encourage our members to seek a better understanding of other cultural groups in Southampton.

The Association has carry out various activities in 2023. All the special moments in these activities can be seen from the Album site.

The membership for 2024 can now be renewed. The membership fee is £20 per year, while membership fee for student is £10 per year. For existing members aged 70-79, renewal fee is £10. No renewal fee for members aged 80 and above. Please update your details in the membership form, and then submit the form and the fee to any Committee Member. You can also pay the membership fee online at:

  • Chinese Association of Southampton
  • Account Number: 91367269
  • Sort Code: 404219

Then, email the membership form and a screenshot of the online payment to: info@southamptonchinese.org.uk

Please continue to support and participate in the activities organized by the Association. Please pay the membership fee by 22nd March to ease our administrative tasks.

We wish you all a Happy New Year and Good Health.

Chinese Association of Southampton Committee