東方美食與倫敦風光一日遊 Oriental Cuisine and London Sights Day Trip




  1. 新東方城: 我們將從新東方城開始一日遊,這是倫敦最大的亞洲美食中心。在這裡,您可以品嘗到各種地道的東方料理,滿足您的味蕾。無論您喜歡川菜的辣味,還是廣式點心的精緻,這裡都能找到您喜愛的菜餚。
  2. 議會山: 在享受美食後,我們將前往風景如畫的議會山,這裡是俯瞰倫敦市區全景的最佳地點之一。您可以漫步在綠意盎然的草坪上,欣賞倫敦標誌性的城市景觀,遠眺大本鐘和碎片大廈等著名景點。從山下廁所走上議會山,大約需要15分鐘。(如果下雨的話,我們將參觀附近的肯伍德宮,以其美麗的建築和花園而聞名。)


  • 品嚐正宗的東方美食
  • 探索倫敦獨特的地標
  • 與親朋好友共度愉快時光
  • 拍攝壯麗的城市景觀照片



Oriental Cuisine and London Sights Day Trip

Join us for a special day trip to explore the charming sights of London and savor authentic Oriental cuisine! This trip will let you experience the unique allure of London while enjoying delicious Oriental delicacies.


  1. Bang Bang Oriental Food Hall: We will start our day trip at Bang Bang Oriental Food Hall, the largest Asian food hall in London. Here, you can enjoy a variety of authentic Oriental dishes that will satisfy your taste buds. Whether you love the spicy flavors of Sichuan cuisine or the delicate tastes of Cantonese dim sum, you will find your favorite dishes here.
  2. Parliament Hill: After indulging in a delightful meal, we will head to the picturesque Parliament Hill, one of the best spots to overlook the panoramic views of London. You can stroll through the lush green lawns and enjoy the iconic cityscape of London, including sights like the Big Ben and The Shard. The walk from the base restroom to the top of Parliament Hill takes about 15 minutes. (In case of rain, we will visit the nearby Kenwood House, known for its beautiful architecture and gardens.)


  • Enjoy authentic Oriental cuisine
  • Explore unique London landmarks
  • Spend a joyful time with family and friends
  • Capture stunning cityscape photos

Don’t miss this exciting trip that combines gourmet food with beautiful sights. Sign up for our Oriental Cuisine and London Sights Day Trip now! We look forward to spending an unforgettable day with you!





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