Chinese Association of Southampton Showcases Chinese Culture at Eastleigh Mela

The Chinese Association of Southampton actively participated in the Eastleigh Mela Festival on July 21, bringing a rich variety of Chinese cultural experiences to the audience. The event was a great success thanks to the enthusiastic support from the organizer, the Asian Welfare and Cultural Association (AWCA), and numerous participants.

On stage, the Chinese Association of Southampton’s performances were vibrant and diverse, featuring various traditional and modern acts. First, the choir sang “The Iron Blooded Heart,” “Who Leads the World,” and “Hello to the World,” with the moving melodies of these classic songs inspiring the audience’s enthusiasm.

Next, the Chinese drum performance showcased the unique charm of Chinese culture with its powerful drumbeats. This was followed by “Dreamlike Water Town,” a performance featuring a combination of guzheng, ethereal drums, and flute, with the melodious music evoking a sense of tranquility and beauty.

Following that, “The Sound of the Vast Sea” featured a guzheng and big drum ensemble, demonstrating majestic and grand music full of vigor. Next, “Yao Ethnic Dance” with guzheng and small drum brought a refreshing ethnic musical style to the audience.

Additionally, “Dove’s Love” combined martial arts and dance performances, blending strength and beauty to create a strong visual impact. The solo flute performance of “Geshangla,” a Tibetan folk song, brought rich ethnic charm with its melodious flute sound, soothing the soul.

Finally, “Do You Know” featured a guzheng and dance performance, combining classical instruments and graceful dance to offer a feast for the eyes and ears, winning applause from the audience.

The activities outside the stage were equally lively. We presented a variety of cultural experiences including the “Three Steps Dance,” “Blue and White Porcelain” guzheng and ethereal drums ensemble, martial arts demonstrations, and Tai Chi performances. The synchronized steps and dynamic rhythms of the “Three Steps Dance” highlighted the charm of Chinese fitness culture. The guzheng and ethereal drums ensemble of “Blue and White Porcelain” touched the audience with its delicate music and heartfelt melodies. The martial arts performance showcased the strength and elegance of Chinese martial arts, leaving the audience in awe. The Tai Chi performance demonstrated the depth and peace of Chinese culture with its gentle movements and internal strength.

In the activity area, we also performed Tai Chi Fan, lion dance, and dragon dance, and conducted a golden dragon parade that attracted considerable attention and participation from the audience. The Tai Chi Fan performance showcased the unique charm of Chinese martial arts with its elegant movements and strong momentum. The lion and dragon dances created a festive and joyful atmosphere, especially the golden dragon parade, which became a highlight of the event as the golden dragon paraded through the venue, drawing many spectators who stopped to watch and take photos.

Additionally, in the workshop area, we provided rich experiential activities including Chinese chess, Chinese drums, and ribbon dragon, allowing the audience to personally experience the charm of Chinese culture. The Chinese chess workshop attracted many chess enthusiasts, who enjoyed the wisdom of traditional Chinese chess. The Chinese drums workshop gave participants the joy of playing the drums and experiencing the charm of traditional Chinese percussion instruments.

The ribbon dragon workshop was also warmly welcomed. Under the guidance of instructors, participants learned to perform with the ribbon dragon, which danced gracefully in the air, presenting a splendid visual effect. This not only enhanced the joyful atmosphere of the event but also allowed each participant to experience the unique charm and artistic beauty of the ribbon dragon.

Finally, the Chinese Association of Southampton sincerely thanks the organizer AWCA and all performers and volunteers from the association. It is due to everyone’s enthusiastic support and selfless dedication that this event was a great success. The association hopes to further enhance friendship and understanding between different ethnicities through such cultural exchange activities, allowing more people to deeply understand and appreciate Chinese culture and contribute to the community’s multicultural integration.

Chinese Association of Southampton Photo Album 1

Chinese Association of Southampton Photo Album 2

Chinese Association of Southampton Facebook Album 1

Chinese Association of Southampton Facebook Album 2

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