國際幸福日 International Day of Happiness

国际幸福日主题讲座 International Happiness Day Theme Lecture 当地时间3月20日,是联合国确定的第七个“国际幸福日”,南安普敦华人协会在中心举办了国际幸福日主题讲座活动。此次讲座的主讲人是资深媒体人、幸福课讲师洪彬女士。 On March 20th, local time, it was the seventh “International Day of Happiness” determined by the United Nations. The Southampton Chinese Association held a lecture on the theme of International Happiness Day at the center. The seminar speaker was a senior media person, Happiness class lecturer Ms. Hongbin. Read More

中國元宵節巡遊慶祝是另一個成功的社區節慶 Chinese Lantern Festival Parade is another successful community festival (17/2/2019)

當地時間2月17日,英國南安普敦華人協會與南安普敦大學、南安普敦大學孔子學院、南安普敦中國藝術學院、南安普敦市議會和約翰漢薩德畫廊(John Hansard)聯合舉辦了中國元宵節巡遊慶祝活動。估計有1400人在市政廳廣場和約翰·漢薩德美術館(JHG)參加了此次活動。 On 17th February 2019, the Chinese Association of Southampton celebrated the Chinese Lantern Festival in partnership with the University of Southampton, Confucius Institute, Chinese Arts Southampton, Southampton City Council and the John Hansard Gallery.  An estimated 1,400 people turned up at Guildhall Square and the John Hansard Gallery (JHG) to attend this event. Read More

南安普敦的中國新年慶祝是個社區節慶 Chinese New Year celebration at Southampton is a Community Festival (3/2/2019)

當地時間2019年2月3日,由南安普敦華人協會與南安普敦大學孔子學院聯合舉辦的中國農曆新年首場慶祝活動在南安普敦最大的綜合商場西區碼頭購物中心拉開序幕。 The Chinese Association of Southampton (CAS) and the Southampton University Confucius Institute (SUCI) have successfully celebrated another Chinese New Year at WestQuay Southampton on Sunday 3/2/2019. 此次活動得到了許多商家和愛心人士的大力支持和贊助,我僅代表南安普敦華人協會對以下所列一併表達感激之情: First and foremost, CAS would like to express our appreciation to: 1. 南安普敦大學孔子學院聯合承辦,並提供豐富多彩的中國傳統文化工作坊 和兩位優雅的節目主持人。 Our co-organizer Southampton University Confucius Institute (SUCI) for their contributions, especially for the Read More

農曆新年慶祝 Chinese New Year 2019

Chinese New Year 2019Countdown The Chinese Association of Southampton (CAS) is organizing another Chinese New Year celebration at WestQuay Southampton on Sunday 3rd February 2019 from 11am. Thanks to our partners, the Southampton University Confucius Institute (SUCI) and WestQuay Southampton, and to our supporters from local communities and businesses as well as to you for Read More