中秋節晚會 2022 Mid-Autumn Festival Gala

南安普敦華人協會成功舉辦2022年中秋節晚會 海上昇明月,天涯共此時。 2022年9月6日下午5時,JRC環球餐廳變得人潮湧動,喜慶熱鬧,300餘人相聚於此喜迎中秋佳節。南安華人協會以這樣大規模的形式慶祝中秋節,是對海外華人重視傳統文化的最好展示;會員們攜家人,孩子和朋友一同前來,以如此高的熱情和參與度,是對華人協會大家庭的愛和期冀;委員們更是煞費苦心,組織策劃了豐富多彩的活動項目,從下午就開始佈置現場,調試音響設備,確保晚會成功舉辦。 此次活動得到了南安普敦市及社會各界人士的支持與參與。南安華人協會正副會長,南安普敦市副市長,漢普郡警察官,送上了節日的問候和祝福。JRC環球餐廳,上海灘中餐館,大上海餐館,川味園,TeaRex奶茶館,熊貓外賣和協會會員為本次活動提供了大量物質支持。 中秋節是中國傳統節日中最具人文情懷的節日,慶祝活動自然少不了中國傳統文化藝術表演,舞獅,武術,古箏,竹笛,舞蹈,歌唱 等表演不時引來陣陣掌聲和歡呼聲。一陣鑼鼓喧天后,搖頭擺尾神氣昂揚的舞獅表演將晚會推向高潮,鄧志堅師傅帶領的忠信龍獅團舞獅表演令孩子們著迷,也為晚會增添了喜慶歡樂的氛圍。英國武壇武館的中國武術表演精彩紛呈。古箏和竹笛的演奏,旋律靈透,沁人心脾,勾起思鄉之情。中國傳統舞蹈 優雅美麗,婉约柔美,而懷舊金曲輕柔悠揚。當晚的演出富有中國特色,深受觀眾好評。 晚會設置遊戲和抽獎環節,會員們在品嚐月餅和各種美食的同時,還有機會玩遊戲和贏取大獎。大家踴躍參與互動,現場氣氛一度達到高潮。 晚會在大家歡歌笑語中和依依不捨中圓滿結束。 點擊照片進入相冊: The Chinese Association of Southampton successfully held the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala 2022 “The moon rises above the sea, and the whole world shares this moment”. At 5pm on 6th September 2022, JRC Global Buffet became crowded with festive atmosphere. Over 300 people gathered there to Read More

纪念葉文高先生 In Memory of Mr. Michael Ip

我們敬愛的會員和朋友  葉文高先生於 9/8/2022 過世。 於2013-2017年期間,他是協會的財政。從委員會退休後,他成為協會的長老之一。葉先生 對華人協會 貢獻良多。他將繼續活在我們的心中。 Our beloved member and friend Mr. Michael Ip passed away on 9/8/2022. He was the treasurer of the Association during 2013-2017. He became one of our elders after his retirement from the committee. Mr. Ip  has made many important contributions to the Chinese Association of Southampton. He will Read More

2022 中秋節慶祝晚會 Mid-Autumn Festival Dinner

南安普敦華人協會得到JRC Global Buffet的支持,將於2022年9月6日舉辦中秋節慶祝晚會。協會會員和非會員都有優惠,原價請看這裡。另外,當晚的抽獎獎品包括£300 和 £200 的現金獎! The Chinese Association of Southampton (CAS) is supported by JRC Global Buffet for holding a Mid-Autumn Festival Dinner on 6th September 2022. Members and non-members of CAS also enjoy discounted price, please check here for the original price. Furthermore, the Raffle draw prizes on the night include cash prizes Read More

南安華人協會 親子活動 CAS Family Activities

Theme: Team Wars Date: Sat 20/8/22 Time: 3pm-4pm Location: Cantell School Gym Registration link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/chinese-association-of-southampton-family-activities-august-tickets-393525213507 Free for members of the Chinese Association of Southampton. £2 per person for non-member. Parents of participants are free to watch and to join (depending on the activities). Once registered, please send the name and age of your child (and Read More

COVID-19 疫苗接種 Covid Vaccination

南安普頓大學健康服務 設有免預約的COVID-19疫苗接種服務,任何符合條件的人士都歡迎。 時間:每週六下午1點到5點,在大學醫務所(Highfield校區48號樓)。 電話:023 8055 7531 谷歌地圖:https://goo.gl/maps/xbzMZ6BHyBekbYjV6 適合以下群體: 加強針 未完成第二針新冠疫苗接種的人 大於75歲的老年人,可以進行第四劑的加強針 免疫力低下的群體,可以進行第四劑的加強針 5-11歲的兒童,可以進行第一針和第二針 處於Covid-19的高風險的12-18歲的青少年,需要第一針、第二針或者加強針 University Southampton Health Service Covid vaccination service. Time: every Saturday 1pm-5pm at the University Health Service (Building 48 on Highfield campus). University Health Service: 023 8055 7531 Google maps link: https://goo.gl/maps/xbzMZ6BHyBekbYjV6 Suitable for: getting a booster for those who have not Read More

Dragonboat Performance Festival 龍舟表演節/端午節慶祝 2022

Poster in PDF Chinese Association of Southampton is in partnership with Red Dragonfly Productions to host the Dragonboat Performance Festival at Southampton Guildhall Square from Friday 10/6 to Sunday 12/6. Come to join us for the celebration of Chinese/Asian Arts and Culture with unique performances and activities. A 120-seat pop-up Rotunda Theatre will be constructed Read More