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Understanding and reporting:                     認識及舉報仇恨犯罪                                          认识及举报仇恨犯罪
hate crimes and hate incidents                                        

no hate crime

南安普敦華人協會 是 南安普敦社區仇恨犯罪第三方舉報網絡的成員。因此,仇恨犯罪可以通過南安普敦華人協會進行舉報
The Chinese Association of Southampton (CAS) is a member of the Southampton community hate crime third party reporting network. Hence, hate crimes can be reported through CAS:

Cases reported to CAS will be reported to the police using the Community Partnership Information (CPI) form. 跟協會報的案件 會通過 社区伙伴信息表 發給警方。

南安普敦警方強烈敦促任何擔心或知道 仇恨犯罪事件的人,考慮通過101直接舉報非緊急事件;於緊急情況時撥打999或使用警察互聯網在線報告: 仇恨犯罪 或者 其他案件。Southampton police urges anyone with concerns of or knows of any hate crime incidents, to consider reporting it either directly through 101 non-emergency; 999 for emergency or online: hatecrime and general cases.

Useful links:

粵語視頻 Video in Cantonese:

普通話視頻 Video in Mandarin:

no hate crime
no hate crime

英語視頻 Video in English:

no hate crime
no hate crime


Other Hate Crime related Websites:

Anthony Walker Foundation